Results for 'B. Blalock Ann'

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  1. Toward a Clarification of System Analysis in the Social Sciences.M. BlalockH. & B. Blalock Ann - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (2):84 - 92.
    This paper attempts to outline some of the important concepts and ideas used in system analysis which is taken to be a general mode of analysis used in all sciences. Systems are seen from three perspectives: (1) that involving the relationship between system and environment, (2) that involving interaction between several systems, and (3) that involving one type of system composed of other types of systems. The writers also discuss the concepts "structure" and "equilibrium" as they apply to system analysis, (...)
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  2. Methodology in.Hubert M. Blalock Jr & Ann B. Blalock - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Toward a Clarification of System Analysis in the Social Sciences.H. M. Blalock & Ann B. Blalock - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (2):84-92.
    This paper attempts to outline some of the important concepts and ideas used in system analysis which is taken to be a general mode of analysis used in all sciences. Systems are seen from three perspectives: that involving the relationship between system and environment, that involving interaction between several systems, and that involving one type of system composed of other types of systems. The writers also discuss the concepts "structure" and "equilibrium" as they apply to system analysis, the point being (...)
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  4. Ce que Marx a vraiment dit.H. B. Acton & Anne Laurens - 1977 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 33 (2):254-255.
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    Conception and Interpretation of Interdisciplinarity in Research Practice: Findings from Group Discussions in the Emerging Field of Digital Transformation.Josephine B. Schmitt, Anne Goldmann, Samuel T. Simon & Christoph Bieber - 2023 - Minerva 61 (2):199-220.
    In recent years, we have been observing the phenomenon of an emerging scientific field: _digital transformation research_ (DTR). Due to the diversity and complexity of its object of research digital, transformation is not effectively researchable if confined to the boundaries of individual disciplines. In the light of Scientific/Intellectual Movement theory (Frickel and Gross 2005 ), we wonder how interdisciplinarity could and should be mobilized to further advance the development of the field of DTR. To answer this question, we (a) need (...)
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    Approach-avoidance: Potency in psychological research.John B. Gormly & Anne V. Gormly - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (5):221-223.
    Women heard another person state attitudes that were either in high agreement or high disagreement with their own attitudes. The potency of an approach-avoidance dependent variable was compared with traditional dependent variables for this situation, ratings of inter-personal attraction. Eighty-five percent of those hearing high agreement volunteered to return to the laboratory to continue participation in the study at a later time. Nobody who heard high disagreement volunteered to return. This difference between the two treatment conditions was considerably greater than (...)
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    Young Children and Voice Search: What We Know From Human-Computer Interaction Research.Silvia B. Lovato & Anne Marie Piper - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Young children are prolific question-askers. The growing ubiquity of voice interfaces (e.g., Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa), as well as the availability of voice input in search fields, now make it possible for children to ask questions via Internet search when they are able to speak clearly, but before they have learned to read and write, typically between 3 and 6 years of age. The prevalence of voice search makes it important to understand children’s changing conceptions of digital devices as a (...)
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    The essential roles of emotion in cognitive architecture.Kevin B. Korb & Ann E. Nicholson - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (2):205-206.
    Rolls's presentation of emotion as integral to cognition is a welcome counter to a long tradition of treating them as antagonists. His eduction of experimental evidence in support of this view is impressive. However, we find his excursion into the philosophy of consciousness less successful. Rolls gives syntactical manipulation the central role in consciousness (in stark contrast to Searle, for whom “mere” syntax inevitably falls short of consciousness), and leaves us wondering about the roles left for emotion after all.
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  9. The technology of early overglaze enamels from the Chinese imperial and popular kilns= La technologie des premiers emaux sur glacure des fours chinois imperiaux et populaires.Pamela B. Vandiver, Anne Bouquillon, Rose Kerr & Rosemary Scott - 1997 - Techne: Vers Une Science de l'Heritage Culturel: Quelques Exemples de Laboratoires Etrangers= Techne: Towards a Science for Cultural Legacy: Some Examples From Laboratories Outside France 6:25-34.
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    The Institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting.Archie B. Carroll, Ann K. Buchholtz & Kareem M. Shabana - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (8):1107-1135.
    This article presents a three-stage model of how isomorphic mechanisms have shaped corporate social responsibility reporting practices over time. In the first stage, defensive reporting, companies fail to meet stakeholder expectations due to a deficiency in firm performance. In this stage, the decision to report is driven by coercive isomorphism as firms sense pressure to close the expectational gap. In the second stage, proactive reporting, knowledge of CSR reporting spreads and the practice of CSR reporting becomes normatively sanctioned. In this (...)
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    Social Psychological Theories and Nudges as Tools for Health Promotion.Jackelyn B. Payne & Anne Moyer - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):74-76.
    Volume 19, Issue 5, May 2019, Page 74-76.
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  12. The Development and Implementation of a Quality Improvement Review Committee (QIRC): An Ethical and Pragmatic Imperative.Sarah E. McMillan, Sarah Tosoni, Kerry-Ann Smith, Betty Chau, Paul Oh, Catriona Steele, Lucas B. Chartier & Ann Heesters - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (4):14-20.
    Contexte : Dans les systèmes de santé universitaires complexes, les projets d’amélioration de la qualité (AQ) destinés à améliorer les soins et l’apprentissage prolifèrent, mais il existe des différences considérables quant à la manière dont ces projets sont supervisés sur le plan éthique, voire même s’ils le sont. À la suite d’un volume élevé de projets soumis à l’un de nos comités d’éthique de la recherche (CER), mais considérés comme n’étant pas de la recherche et donc non éligibles à un (...)
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    The effect of cognitive task difficulty on humor ratings of captioned cartoons.Donald B. Reutener & Anne E. Kazak - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (3):275-276.
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  14. Religion de la raison tirée des sources du judaïsme, coll. « Questions ».Hermann Cohen, Marc B. de Launay & Anne Lagny - 1996 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 186 (4):565-568.
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  15. Philanthropy as Strategy.David H. Saiia, Archie B. Carroll & Ann K. Buchholtz - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (2):169-201.
    Scholars and practitioners alike indicate a movement in corporate philanthropy toward “strategic” giving, for example, giving that improves the firm's strategic position (ultimately the “bottom line”) while it benefits the recipient of the philanthropic act. Although the existence of this trend is widely accepted, it is represented in the literature most often by anecdotal evidence. This article presents the findings of a survey of corporate giving managers of U.S. firms that have had an established giving program of at least 5 (...)
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    A Value-Added Health Systems Science Intervention Based on My Life, My Story for Patients Living with HIV and Medical Students: Translating Narrative Medicine from Classroom to Clinic.Jonathan C. Chou, Jennifer J. Li, Brandon T. Chau, Tamar V. L. Walker, Barbara D. Lam, Jacqueline P. Ngo, Suad Kapetanovic, Pamela B. Schaff & Anne T. Vo - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (4):659-678.
    In 2018-2019, at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, we developed and piloted a narrative-based health systems science intervention for patients living with HIV and medical students in which medical students co-wrote patients’ life narratives for inclusion in the electronic health record. The pilot study aimed to assess the acceptability of the “life narrative protocol” from multiple stakeholder positions and characterize participants’ experiences of the clinical and pedagogical implications of the LNP. Students were recruited from (...)
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    Psychological Flexibility as a Buffer against Caregiver Distress in Families with Psychosis.Jens E. Jansen, Ulrik H. Haahr, Hanne-Grethe Lyse, Marlene B. Pedersen, Anne M. Trauelsen & Erik Simonsen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Institutions and organizations: a process view.Trish Reay, Tammar B. Zilber, Ann Langley & Haridimos Tsoukas (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Institutions - the structures, practices, and meanings that define what people and organizations think, do, and aspire to - are created through process. They are 'work in progress' that involves continual efforts to maintain, modify, or disturb them. Institutional logics are also in motion, holding varying degrees of dominance that change over time. This volume brings together two streams of thought within organization theory - institutional theory and process perspective - to advocate for stronger process ontology that highlights institutions as (...)
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    Evolving Ethics: The New Science of Good and Evil.Steven Mascaro, Kevin B. Korb, Ann E. Nicholson & Owen Woodberry - 2010 - Imprint Academic.
    This book describes the application of Artificial Life simulation to evolutionary scenarios of wide ethical interest, including the evolution of altruism, rape and abortion, providing a new meaning to “experimental philosophy”. The authors also apply evolutionary ALife techniques to explore contentious issues within evolutionary theory itself, such as the evolution of aging. They justify these uses of simulation in science and philosophy, both in general and in their specific applications here.Evolving Ethics will be of interest to researchers, enthusiasts, students and (...)
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    Appreciated Abroad, Depreciated at Home.Annette Lykknes, Lise Kvittingen & Anne Kristine Børresen - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):576-609.
    Ellen Gleditsch (1879–1968) became Norway’s first authority on radioactivity and the country’s second female full professor. From her many years abroad—in Marie Curie’s laboratory in Paris and at Yale University in New Haven with Bertram Boltram—she became internationally acknowledged and developed an extensive personal and scientific network. In the Norwegian scientific community she was, however, less appreciated, and her appointment as a professor in 1929 caused controversy. Despite the recommendation of the expert committee, her predecessor and his allies spread the (...)
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    Ethics of Spying: A Reader for the Intelligence Professional, vol. I.Joel H. Rosenthal, J. E. Drexel Godfrey, R. V. Jones, Arthur S. Hulnick, David W. Mattausch, Kent Pekel, Tony Pfaff, John P. Langan, John B. Chomeau, Anne C. Rudolph, Fritz Allhoff, Michael Skerker, Robert M. Gates, Andrew Wilkie, James Ernest Roscoe & Lincoln P. Bloomfield Jr (eds.) - 2006 - Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
    This is the first book to offer the best essays, articles, and speeches on ethics and intelligence that demonstrate the complex moral dilemmas in intelligence collection, analysis, and operations. Some are recently declassified and never before published, and all are written by authors whose backgrounds are as varied as their insights, including Robert M. Gates, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; John P. Langan, the Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Professor of Catholic Social Thought at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown (...)
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    Board members, corporate social responsiveness and profitability: Are tradeoffs necessary? [REVIEW]Hugh M. O'Neill, Charles B. Saunders & Anne Derwinski McCarthy - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (5):353 - 357.
    The relationship between corporate social responsiveness and profitability is investigated in a sample of corporate directors. The findings show there is no relationship between the level of director social responsiveness and corporate profitability. The implications of these results are discussed, especially as they relate to concerns about corporate governance.
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    Must We Be Courageous?Ann B. Hamric, John D. Arras & Margaret E. Mohrmann - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (3):33-40.
    The notion of virtue in general, and courage in particular, has had a hard time integrating itself into the everyday lexicon of bioethics. Following the lead of enlightenment moral philosophy, which concentrates on the theory of right action as opposed to the ancient Greeks' emphasis on the development of good character, bioethics, with some notable exceptions, has tended to relegate consideration of the virtues to the sidelines of moral argument. Recently, however, there have been calls for the necessity of “moral (...)
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  24.  55
    Institutional Ethics Resources: Creating Moral Spaces.Ann B. Hamric & Lucia D. Wocial - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (S1):22-27.
    Since 1992, institutions accredited by The Joint Commission have been required to have a process in place that allows staff members, patients, and families to address ethical issues or issues prone to conflict. While the commission's expectations clearly have made ethics committees more common, simply having a committee in no way demonstrates its effectiveness in terms of the availability of the service to key constituents, the quality of the processes used, or the outcomes achieved. Beyond meeting baseline accreditation standards, effective (...)
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    A Health System-wide Moral Distress Consultation Service: Development and Evaluation.Ann B. Hamric & Elizabeth G. Epstein - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (2):127-143.
    Although moral distress is now a well-recognized phenomenon among all of the healthcare professions, few evidence-based strategies have been published to address it. In morally distressing situations, the “presenting problem” may be a particular patient situation, but most often signals a deeper unit- or system-centered issue. This article describes one institution’s ongoing effort to address moral distress in its providers. We discuss the development and evaluation of the Moral Distress Consultation Service, an interprofessional, unit/system-oriented approach to addressing and ameliorating moral (...)
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  26. Teacher leadership.Ann Lieberman, Ellen R. Saxl & Matthew B. Miles - 1988 - In Building a professional culture in schools. New York: Teachers College Press.
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    Searching for a neurophysiological view of ERP components.Anne B. Sereno - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):253-254.
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    The probabilistic analysis of language acquisition: Theoretical, computational, and experimental analysis.Anne S. Hsu, Nick Chater & Paul M. B. Vitányi - 2011 - Cognition 120 (3):380-390.
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    Multiple identities... Multiple marginalities: Franco-ontarian feminism.Ann B. Denis - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (3):453-467.
    Recent discussions of boundary theory, particularly in the field of ethnic relations, emphasize varying degrees of porousness of social boundaries and the importance of considering the effects of the intersections of multiple boundaries, most notably those of gender, ethnicity/race, and class. It is also increasingly acknowledged that within-group characteristics, including identities, of subordinate as well as of dominant groups may change, without their becoming less authentic distinctive collectivities. This article examines the changing identities of a specific collectivity—French-speaking Canadian women living (...)
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    The impact of discussion on interpersonal attraction.Anne V. Gormly & John B. Gormly - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (1):45-48.
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    Defining sameness: historical, biological, and generative homology.Ann B. Butler & William M. Saidel - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (9):846-853.
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    Resting state functional connectivity differences between behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease.Anne Hafkemeijer, Christiane Möller, Elise G. P. Dopper, Lize C. Jiskoot, Tijn M. Schouten, John C. van Swieten, Wiesje M. van der Flier, Hugo Vrenken, Yolande A. L. Pijnenburg, Frederik Barkhof, Philip Scheltens, Jeroen van der Grond & Serge A. R. B. Rombouts - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  33. On the inappropriate use of the naturalistic fallacy in evolutionary psychology.Anne B. Clark, Eric Dietrich & David Sloan Wilson - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (5):669-81.
    The naturalistic fallacy is mentionedfrequently by evolutionary psychologists as anerroneous way of thinking about the ethicalimplications of evolved behaviors. However,evolutionary psychologists are themselvesconfused about the naturalistic fallacy and useit inappropriately to forestall legitimateethical discussion. We briefly review what thenaturalistic fallacy is and why it is misusedby evolutionary psychologists. Then we attemptto show how the ethical implications of evolvedbehaviors can be discussed constructivelywithout impeding evolutionary psychologicalresearch. A key is to show how ethicalbehaviors, in addition to unethical behaviors,can evolve by natural selection.
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    What's in a name for memory errors? Implications and ethical issues arising from the use of the term "false memory" for errors in memory for details.Anne P. DePrince, Carolyn B. Allard, Hannah Oh & Jennifer J. Freyd - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (3):201 – 233.
    The term "false memories" has been used to refer to suggestibility experiments in which whole events are apparently confabulated and in media accounts of contested memories of childhood abuse. Since 1992 psychologists have increasingly used the term "false memory" when discussing memory errors for details, such as specific words within word lists. Use of the term to refer to errors in details is a shift in language away from other terms used historically (e.g., "memory intrusions"). We empirically examine this shift (...)
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    Governance of Academies in England: The Return of “Command and Control”?Anne West, David Wolfe & Basma B. Yaghi - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (2):131-154.
    School-based education in England has undergone significant changes since 2010, with a huge expansion of academies, schools outside local authority control, funded directly by central government. Academies and local authority (LA) maintained schools are subject to different legislative and regulatory frameworks. This paper focuses on the governance of LA maintained schools, single academy trusts (SATs) and schools that are part of multi-academy trusts (MATs). The research involved analysing legislative provision, policy documents, and documents addressing the governance arrangements of a sample (...)
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    Emotional Dissonance and Sickness Absence Among Employees Working With Customers and Clients: A Moderated Mediation Model via Exhaustion and Human Resource Primacy.Anne-Marthe R. Indregard, Pål Ulleberg, Stein Knardahl & Morten B. Nielsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Empirical Research on Moral Distress: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. [REVIEW]Ann B. Hamric - 2012 - HEC Forum 24 (1):39-49.
    Abstract Studying a concept as complex as moral distress is an ongoing challenge for those engaged in empirical ethics research. Qualitative studies of nurses have illuminated the experience of moral distress and widened the contours of the concept, particularly in the area of root causes. This work has led to the current understanding that moral distress can arise from clinical situations, factors internal to the individual professional, and factors present in unit cultures, the institution, and the larger health care environment. (...)
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    Tracing detached and attached care practices in nursing education.Ann Katrine B. Soffer - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (3):201-210.
    The implementation of skills labs in Danish nursing education can, in itself, be viewed as a complexity. The students are expected to eventually carry out their work in a situated hospital practice, but they learn their professional skills in a different space altogether, detached and removed from the hospitals and practising on plastic dummies. Despite the apparent artificiality of the skills lab, this article will show that it is possible to analyse some of the fundamental aspects of care in nursing (...)
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    Improving Real-Life Estimates of Emotion Based on Heart Rate: A Perspective on Taking Metabolic Heart Rate Into Account.Anne-Marie Brouwer, Elsbeth van Dam, Jan B. F. van Erp, Derek P. Spangler & Justin R. Brooks - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Industry-Specific Corporate Responsibility With an International Dimension.Ann B. Matasar & Deborah D. Pavelka - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (3):280-295.
    The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) requires U.S. banks to make loans available in low- and middle-income sectors of their communities. Vaguely worded and unevenly enforced, CRA has created a major dilemma for banks because their CRA ratings are open to public scrutiny and used by regulators in determining whether to permit a bank to expand its products, services, or geo- graphic presence. Ironically, foreign banks doing business in the United States have been able to avoid the impact of CRA because (...)
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  41. Gumanizm--problemy metodologii i istorii.B. F. Kiktev, I︠U︡. V. Sogomonov & F. V. T︠S︡ann (eds.) - 1977 - Vladimir: Vladimirskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t imeni P.I. Lebedeva-Poli︠a︡nskogo.
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    Emotional Dissonance, Mental Health Complaints, and Sickness Absence Among Health- and Social Workers. The Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy.Anne-Marthe R. Indregard, Stein Knardahl & Morten B. Nielsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  43. Evolution of the Neural Basis of Consciousness: A Bird-Mammal Comparison.Ann B. Butler, Paul R. Manger, B. I. B. Lindahl & Peter Århem - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (9):923-936.
    The main objective of this essay is to validate some of the principal, currently competing, mammalian consciousness-brain theories by comparing these theories with data on both cognitive abilities and brain organization in birds. Our argument is that, given that multiple complex cognitive functions are correlated with presumed consciousness in mammals, this correlation holds for birds as well. Thus, the neuroanatomical features of the forebrain common to both birds and mammals may be those that are crucial to the generation of both (...)
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    Ways of sampling voluntary and involuntary autobiographical memories in daily life.Anne S. Rasmussen, Kim B. Johannessen & Dorthe Berntsen - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:156-168.
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    Marathi Reading Course.Anne Feldhaus, I. M. P. Raeside & B. V. Nemade - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):183.
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    Case Commentary.Ann B. Hamric - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (1):131-133.
    Ethics raises questions about what kind of society we ought to be, questions that are at the heart of this case. Increasingly, inequalities in healthcare fueled by lack of access, inadequate insurance coverage, and rising costs are creating dilemmas in the proper distribution of healthcare resources. Questions of distributing scarce and valuable resources are fundamentally questions of justice. The classic definition of justice is the duty to give to each person what they deserve and can legitimately claim so that justice (...)
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    Using the same information for planning and control is compatible with the dynamic illusion effect.Anne-Marie Brouwer, Eli Brenner & Jeroen B. J. Smeets - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):28-29.
    We argue that one can explain why the influence of illusions decreases during a movement without assuming that different visual representations are used for planning and control. The basis for this is that movements are guided by a combination of correctly perceived information about certain attributes (such as a target's position) and illusory information about other attributes (such as the direction of motion). We explain how this can automatically lead to a decreasing effect of illusions when hitting discs that move (...)
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    The third alternative: Duplication of collopallium in isocortical evolution.Ann B. Butler - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):553-554.
    One hypothesis of isocortical evolution requires tangential migration of glutaminergic neurons. A second requires invasion of collothalamic afferents into the dorsal pallium, a territory that in sauropsids is solely lemnopallial. A third alternative is noted here – duplication of the original collopallial territory. The duplicated region would be formed by radial migration of excitatory neurons and would maintain its collothalamic innervation.
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    What Happens When Students Are in the Minority: Experiences and Behaviors That Impact Human Performance.Charles B. Hutchison, Maria Abelquist, Tiffany Adams, Clifford Afam, Daniel Blankton, Brian Bongiovanni, Carletta Bradley, Winfree Brisley, Tracie S. Clark, David W. Cornett, Jim Cross, Betty Danzi, Arron Deckard, Ryan Delehant, Lauren Emerson, Angela Jakeway, LaTasha Jones, Stephanie Johnston, Kalilah Kirkpatrick, Karlie Kissman, Jeremy Laliberte, Melissa Loftis, Lisa McCrimmon, Anita McGee, Aja' Pharr, Crystal Sisk, Loretta Sullivan, Ora Uhuru & Ann Wright - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book offers both the theoretical background behind the minority effect, teachers' personal experiences as they experienced being a minority, and their analyses and insights for teaching diverse learners. This book uses real-life experiences of diverse people to illustrate that, if not understood and addressed, situational minorities at school or work are unlikely to perform at their highest potentials.
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    Marina Frasca‐Spada;, Nick Jardine . Books and the Sciences in History. xiv + 438 pp., illus., fig., index. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. $85 ; $29.95. [REVIEW]Ann B. Shteir - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):281-282.
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